"I'm Good, Man." When To Pass On The Pipe

When you first start smoking cannabis, you might feel internal pressure to keep up with your more seasoned friends. This can cause you to smoke more than you need to, and you’ll either cease to get higher, or become paranoid and have a bad trip. Level one stoners have difficulty learning their limits at first. So how do you know when you’ve had enough?

You Start Laughing At Everything

I don’t mean laughing more than usual. That’s one of the most fun things about getting baked. I mean If you suddenly find yourself laughing at everything. This is especially true if you notice that you’re laughing at things that you normally wouldn’t find funny, or things that aren’t even meant to be funny. If this is happening to you, then you’re probably good man. Save the rest for everyone else, so they can reach that point.

Parking On The Bowl

Everybody does this at some point. It’s your turn to hit the bong, but you’re so caught up in the funny story you’re telling your friends about smoking in the drive-thru, that you forget you’re holding it. Then everyone has to remind you to stop parking and pass that shit already. If this is happening to you, then you are sufficiently stoned. Pass it on, then finish your story. Everyone will enjoy it more if you’re not holding up the circle.

Having Trouble Forming Complete Thoughts/ Sentences

Sometimes you have the opposite issue. If you are trying to hold a conversation and have trouble articulating your words or thoughts, then it would probably be a good idea to pass the next time it comes to you. If you’re also having trouble recalling what people are telling you, that’s another sign that it’s time for a break. Otherwise, it’s just gonna get harder and harder for you to concentrate.

Staring Into Space

If you’re having trouble following the conversation going on in the circle because you keep thinking about something completely random, then you’re sufficiently stoned. The same applies if you can’t stop staring at that sweet Sublime poster on your friend’s wall. If someone passes you the pipe and you’re focused on how large your hands are, then you’ve probably had enough.

If You’re Not Getting Any Higher

This will happen more as you start to develop a tolerance. Everyone reaches a point where they just can’t get any higher, no matter how much they continue to smoke. If you reach that point it’s time to hold off for a while. Cannabis typically takes a few minutes before you begin feeling the effects. Wait 20 minutes and if nothing changes, try again. You don’t want to end up wasting your stash.

You’re Starting To Feel Anxious/ Paranoid

You can usually feel anxiety or paranoia creeping up on you before it hits you head on. If you are feeling even the littlest bit of apprehension, then it’s unquestionably a good idea for you to pass the next go around. If you are feeling paranoid https://magazine.grasscity.com/chill-out-goodbye-paranoia-3423-3423/ there are ways to fight it off. You don’t want to give yourself a panic attack.

None of us are wired exactly the same, so of course cannabis affects everyone differently. Learning your limits is something that becomes easier the longer you do it. Eventually you’ll reach a point where you’ll have a good idea what you can handle, depending on how you’re smoking. As with everything, practice makes perfect. Luckily when it comes to getting high, practice is a lot of fun. Don’t ever worry that your friends will judge you for passing on the pipe. No one is judging you, unless you have crappy friends.

Featured Image Source: imqueenliz.tumblr.com

How do you know when you’ve had enough? Share your stories in the comments!