Could CBD be the New Best Friend of Men Everywhere?
In recent years CBD has taken the world by storm, now often seen as the more beneficial and less psychedelic side of cannabis. What you might not have known is that the male body responds to these cannabinoids better than the female body, according to research. In recent years CBD has taken the world by storm, now often seen as the more beneficial and less psychedelic side of cannabis. What you might not have known is that the male body responds to these cannabinoids better than the female body, according to research. This means that women may need a more diverse cannabinoid profile to achieve pain relief than men. In this article we will address the following questions:
What does CBD do?
What are some health benefits of CBD?
How can CBD help men?
What is the difference between CBD for men and CBD for women?
What does CBD do?
Cannabidiol or (CBD) is what is known as a “phytocannabinoid” and was discovered by researchers in 1940. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, along with tetrahydrocannabinol or (THC), and accounts for up to 40% of the plant's composition. As of 2019, clinical research on CBD included studies related to anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain, but sadly due to the illegality of cannabis in most countries there is insufficient high-quality evidence that CBD is effective for these conditions. However it is worth mentioning that in the United States, the cannabidiol drug Epidiolex was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2018 for the treatment of two epilepsy disorders.
CBD works it’s magic by interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system. Having only recently been discovered it is still in preliminary research, but studies show that it may be involved in regulating physiological and cognitive processes, including fertility, pregnancy, pre- and postnatal development, various activity of immune system, appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory, and in mediating the effects of cannabis has on our body.
Some researchers claim this systems most important function however is to maintain balance and homeostasis of almost everything going on in your body. This system is made up of what are called “CB1” and “CB2” receptors, and these receptors are activated by a chemical called anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (better known as 2-AG). The anandamide works to stimulate the CB1 receptors; while 2-AG stimulates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 activation controls several physiological functions like sleeping, appetite, vomiting, mood, pain perception, and memory; CB2 activation controls inflammation since these receptors are predominantly found in the immune system.
When THC binds to these CB1 receptors it produces its therapeutic effects. It is also how THC produces its euphoric, psychoactive effects which many people have trouble with. CBD, unlike THC, has a low binding affinity with the cannabinoid receptors. This means that CBD cannot directly activate these receptors to produce the therapeutic effects of THC, anandamide, or 2-AG. Instead, CBD binds to different receptors and activates them to produce its therapeutic effects. CBD has the ability to influence ion channels that control the release of chemicals like calcium, sodium, and potassium. This ability of CBD is very important because it plays a role in controlling seizures. CBD also has the ability of delaying the reabsorption of important neurotransmitters or brain chemicals. As a result, CBD gives these chemicals more time to stay in your body so their effects can last longer.
What are some health benefits of CBD?
In parts of the world where access to medical cannabis has been eased, medical advice has driven people to consume CBD in a variety of different ways seeking its wellness promoting qualities. You can now consume CBD oil in things like gummies, tincture, topical lotions & creams, supplements, and even coffee! Here are some of the amazing benefits it may provide you:
arthritis pain
Relieves chronic pain
Reduces chronic nerve pain
Reduces inflammation
Reduces muscle spasms and other MS symptoms
Reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting for cancer patients
May slow cancer cell growth
Relieves anxiety and depression
Relieves insomnia and improves sleep
Helps treat acne and psoriasis
Aids nicotine and heroin addiction recovery by reducing withdrawal symptoms
How Can CBD Help Men?
Improve your sex life
Have you ever had unexplained issues in the bedroom? It happens sometimes, and it doesn’t mean that you’re broken or inadequate. Proper blood flow to the penis is a vital step in achieving a sufficient erection. As men age, circulation issues can arise and cause issues that affect this process negatively. CBD has the potential to reduce inflammation to allow for better circulation and blood flow, which could help you in this department.
Erectile dysfunction isn’t reserved just for men above age 50 – men of all ages can experience temporary or prolonged erectile dysfunction which can be psychologically devastating. In most cases, it is a blood flow or tissue damage issue. There could be underlying health conditions that hinder sexual performance. What you eat is also a factor, so don’t put all of your eggs into the CBD basket so to speak. ...those CBD gummies you bought will only go so far in helping you
When it comes to your diet, studies show that men who consume more animal products are more likely to consume higher amounts of dioxins or chemical toxins. If your diet is dioxin or chemical toxin heavy, you may also experience low sperm counts.
CBD comes into play to help flush these toxins out of the body. It also helps prevent them from building up again, as long as you maintain your CBD usage. The toxins tend to make your fat cells their home. The extra toxins may cause some male hormones to become imbalanced.
If sex drive anxiety is the issue CBD can help ease the symptoms of anxiety disorders. On top of the increasing stresses adult life the occur men take pride in their sexual performance and satisfying their partners to the best of their abilities. Performance anxiety and is common when you’re with a new partner, attempt to try something new or are exploring sexual desires. There is a lot of pressure on men to perform well in and outside of the bedroom. This overload of anxiety can cause your brain to stop sending pleasure signals and may shut down the body’s natural reward system. It also causes the body to tense up and constrict blood flow.
Anxiety alone can be debilitating. CBD has anti-anxiety properties to help calm the mind and body. In combination with its anti-inflammatory and vasodilator properties, it may help reduce your sexual performance anxiety symptoms enough for you to have a positive sexual experience.
Here’s where you may get confused. Using traditional cannabis, containing higher percentages of THC, may not be the way to go when it comes to improving your sexual health. THC may increase your difficulties. If you prefer to use cannabis because of its euphoric and aphrodisiac effects, make sure you’re using an adequate amount of CBD too. Strains higher in CBD and lower in THC would be better options if you don’t want to just use a broad spectrum hemp CBD product.
Avoid CBD isolate products as these do not use the entire hemp plant and some of the CBD may be left in the plant.
A major benefit of using CBD for sexual dysfunction issues is that you don’t have the potential side effects of pharmaceuticals such as experiencing erections for several hours or risking a heart attack. CBD helps protect your heart.
Improved sexual stamina
Do you run out of energy or seem to not last long enough to satisfy your partner? CBD may be part of the answer. By allowing the body to relax, it’s more aware of sensation. When you’re more aware of what’s happening to your or around you, it allows the mind to become stimulated easier. The more relaxed you are when you begin foreplay or sexual flirting, your body is more likely to respond and not become overly excited.
You have more control over your erection and you are might be able to last a little longer if you take advantage of the effects of CBD before engaging in your next sexual activity.
Improve your heart health
Men, according to countless scientific studies, are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases than their female counterparts. Men tend to have heart attacks or strokes more often than women on average. Some cardiovascular issues may be hereditary/genetic, but most develop due to poor eating habits and poor recreational habits (smoking, drinking, risky behaviors). This adds additional stress to the heart.
An unhealthy heart can inhibit sexual performance as well, as some men may worry more about their heart holding up than experiencing a sexual encounter. The absolute last thing you want to worry about when engaging in sexual activity is your heart.
Cannabidiol helps increase blood flow, is a vasodilator and may help promote relaxation. When you’re relaxed, there’s less stress put on your heart. It’s able to beat properly and move enough blood in and out of it. With this in mind, it might be a good ideal to add cbd products to your daily vitamin regiment. If you don’t already, incorporating responsible dietary habits and frequent exercise will go a long way in improving your hearth health.
Improve your mental health
Suicide statistics reveal that although women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, men on the other hand are two to four times more likely to die by suicide. It's thought that major depression occurs in roughly half of people who commit suicide, both men and women, and there are differences in this regard as well.
Information presented in this part of the article may be triggering to some people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. If you live outside the US please contact your local emergency services.
In addition to having to deal with the negative side effects of depression, as testosterone levels increase, it may make a man more irritable (sometimes coming across as over-arrogant or full of rage), which negatively viewed by peers can add to this depression. The extra testosterone may increase your metabolism, heart rate and sensitivity to mood fluctuations. This all plays a role in your overall health, including your sexual performance.
As people age, the brain may suffer cognitively as brain cells naturally die off. The body may not produce the proper cannabinoids to help the brain scrub these dead brain cells away, so it can lead to mood fluctuations, brain signal impediments and other frustrations.
Using CBD daily may help improve your mental health and have better control over your moods and reactions to situations. In addition to this it’s ability to help with depression could help you fight off these bad thoughts and uplift your daily mood.
Tips for Using CBD to Improve Male Sexual Health
Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of CBD is that there is no known toxic dose. You also don’t have the side effects of alcohol, illicit drugs or pharmaceuticals to worry about. Feel free to experiment and find the best CBD oil product that works for you
If you are expecting to have a sexual encounter and want to be prepared for the rush of hormones and needing proper blood flow, a full spectrum CBD capsule may be an ideal choice. The capsule should be taken a few hours before your expected encounter so it has time to digest and get to work in your body. You could even take a capsule in the morning if you prefer.
A CBD Vape is a good option if you’d like to boost your CBD intake just before a sexual encounter. It’s also a good option to use before engaging in foreplay as it might help you relax. Beyond the bedroom it can help immensely before engaging in a high-stress situation such as that next big presentation at the office.
Add CBD supplements to your work out vitamin & supplement regiment, it can go a long way reducing inflammation post-workout. It can also help in lowering your blood pressure thus reducing your risk of a heart attack which could be induced by rigorous physical activity.
CBD tinctures are ideal if you need to be ready for sex faster, such as an unexpected encounter. The oil starts entering the body sublingually to potentially start reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow in minutes.
What’s the difference between CBD for men and CBD for women?
It pays to know how CBD can help women as well as what methods work best for them. Even if you are single, knowing the differences can help the women in your life in a way they makes a resounding impact. CBD products can be for an array of ailments and issues that women commonly experience. Since the female body is so unique, CBD offers some benefits that are only seen in women.
High estrogen levels in women can cause mood swings and other types of emotional responses that men don’t have to deal with. CBD, and other endocannabinoids, work with estrogen, helping to stabilize mood swings for some women. This means CBD can be beneficial in helping to combat depression and anxiety, particularly in women, because of how it interacts with estrogen.
Cramping, bloating, and inflammation are all common issues for women during PMS. Since CBD is so effective at reducing inflammation and pain, it is particularly beneficial for women at this time. This means CBD can help you feel more physically comfortable and help with your mood.
As mentioned in the beginning of the article, women may need a more diverse cannabinoid profile to achieve pain relief than men. So do your best to guide them towards a more broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD product to achieve the best results.
Closing Thoughts
Men, it’s time to think twice about taking those enhancement pills or testosterone boosters you see at the gas station or on TV. You don’t have to go without having sex because of erectile disorders or performance anxiety. Hemp extract containing CBD may help as science has indicated that many underlying issues experienced by men in terms of sexual performance may be helped with CBD. With that said, it’s best to couple this with medical advice from your doctor as you may have pre-existing or genetic factors that may require more serious treatment methods.
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